Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What the heck am i making from scratch anyway....?

i am one of those weird women who tends to get this weird twisted delight in starting with nothing and working my butt off only to end up with something that you could buy in the store for under $10. i make home made food, yes, but also home made facial masks and washes, home made dish clothes, home made socks (ok only one sock so far but i'm working on it), home made clothes, home made body scrubs, home made bath salts....from the interesting to the inane. So here i am creating a blog so i can share the insanity with other such women...or with people who can read and laugh at me for actually spending so much time and effort on crafty stuff.

i am going to basically post my trial and error and my favorite patterns/recipes and maybe even a wish list of what i WANT to be able to make but am no where near being able to yet (aka all my knitting patterns i want to make but am too chicken to try.) Then pretty much anything else i want to write about...hey it's my blog i can do what i want!

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